

Buster was rehomed at 8 months of age in February 2007, as his owners could no longer look after him due to illness.

He is a lively young dog who now lives with Henry, Liz, their family and Shannon their older boxer girl.


UPDATE - 12 Jul 08

From Liz:

"These photos show Buster with Shannon and doing one of his favourite past times helping out in the garden".

Buster and Shannon in the carBuster and Shannon in the garden
Shannon and Buster sun bathingBuster with Watering Can

UPDATE - 27 Dec 08

From Henry and Liz:

Just an update on Buster. These pictures were taken around Dec 08 and show him with our older dog Shannon who is now 12 1/2 and also with his best buddy, a 4 year old male Staffordshire bull terrier called Broxie. At over 2, Buster is now fully grown, but still a big pup at heart! A real character, he is very much a part of the family".

Buster and BroxieBuster looking out over the river
Shannon and BusterBuster
