

All of the boxers on this page have been rehomed by us.

If you have one of our boxers and it is not listed within this section or you wish to send us an update, then please send an e-mail to with details, pictures etc.

Each page will only have approximately 20 boxer pictures displayed, to help reduce download times.

Page 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9

Click on an a picture to read each boxers individual story.

Please note that when this page has 20 boxers listed,
it will be moved to become the last page.

If you are looking to find a certain boxer.
This page and the last page are the most recent ones.

Page 2 lists the first boxers we rehomed.

Place your mouse over a picture and wait.
A box will pop up showing the name of the boxer and year month of rehoming.

Skye - 2016 11 Saffie - 2016 Tara - 2017 06 Roxie - 2017 06


For those boxers that have crossed over the 'Rainbow Bridge'